
The t:trans-attr-n attribute is an alias of the transchoice Symfony tag, but it works only with HTML/XML attributes, and allows you to translate the content of one or more attribute using also plural forms.

Let’s see how does it work:

    value="There is one apple|There are %count% apples"
    t:trans-attr-n="value:[3, {'%count%':3}]" />

This option will allow Symfony to extract and translate the “There is one apple”, “There are %count% apples”, and “%count% apples” sentences.

Of course, you can also use variables in your text.

    value="%name% is eating one apple|%name% is eating %count% apples"
    t:trans-attr-n="value:[3, {'%count%':3, '%name%':'John'}]" />

You can also translate more than one attribute on the same node.

    value="%name% is eating one apple|%name% is eating %count% apples"
    title="There is one apple|There are %count% apples"
    t:trans-attr-n="value:[3, {'%count%':3, '%name%':'John'}], title:[3, {'%count%':3}]" />

You can also specify different domains for your translations.

    value="%name% is eating one apple|%name% is eating %count% apples"
    t:trans-attr-n="value:[3, {'%count%':3, '%name%':'John'}, 'app']" />

You can also combine plural and non-plural translations

    value="%name% is eating one apple|%name% is eating %count% apples"
    title="The pen is on the %place%"

    t:trans-attr-n="value:[3, {'%count%':3, '%name%':'John'}]" />


See here to learn more about the Symfony translation system.